Amsterdam, the Modern Fashion City

2021: Fashion Theories minor
Research proposal on whether or not Amsterdam could position itself more clearly with its urban fashion identity on a global scale:
“The Body Politic of Amsterdam as a Fashion City: how can Amsterdam position itself more clearly in the global fashion field with its Urban Fashion Identity?”
2022: internship at amsterdam&partners
The choice of this internship might seem unexpected for a fashion student. However, as an avid reader of De Uitkrant and someone who values the organization’s dedication to highlighting all facets of the city, I I saw an opportunity to promote fashion awareness in Amsterdam through their platform while also expanding their reach to a younger audience.
This led me to write the cover articles for both the I amsterdam City Guide (visitor-oriented, in English) and De Uitkrant (citizen-oriented, in Dutch), both published by the organization. Both articles explore the fashion identity of Amsterdam as an attempt to answer if the city can truly be considered a fashion city. The I amsterdam City Guide article takes an explanatory approach, while De Uitkrant critically questions this reputation.

Street style photos shot by me
Read the publication here

Read the publication here
2023: Fashion & Branding bachelor thesis
Research paper on the significance of urban fashion identities in city branding and how this strategy could improve Amsterdam’s global reputation: “Amsterdam, the Modern Fashion City: an analysis of the current significance of Fashion Cities and how Amsterdam relates to this”

Amsterdam can be considered a Fashion City, albeit not a traditional one. By the collaborative power of its Cultural Creative Industries and the experimental user of fashion in the city, the thesis proposes a global fashion reputation for Amsterdam as an Inspiration City.
The thesis is published by the research database of Gemeente Amsterdam and can be read here
As a branding student I had to deliver a branded product next to the thesis. The result is a Fashion City Map of Amsterdam in collaboration with amsterdam&partners that serves to guide both residents as visitors through the fashionable aspects of Amsterdam.